
Here you can find all of my must haves and favorite products!

As a Registered Nurse working in a busy ICU and as a private, Concierge Post-Surgical Recovery Nurse my job is to provide lifesaving care, recovery care as well as important health education to my patients. I want to share with you the things I use in my home and recommend to my patients for use in their home and during their post-op recovery. Follow me on my other socials (links below) for the latest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, nursing insights, patient advocacy and other things I can’t live without like food, fashion and family fun!

Must Haves for Cosmetic and General Surgery Recovery

Wedge Pillow 1
Wedge Pillow 2
4×4 gauze pads
Large Ice Packs
Facial Cold Gel Compress 2 pc

Absorbent Pads
Heating Pad
Shower Bag
Drain Lanyard
Bed Tray Table

Must Haves for Comfort Care for your Post-Surgical Recovery

Lipo Foam
Seatbelt Cushion (chest, breast or belly surgery)
Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Circulation, Compression & Massage
Heated Eye Massager with Bluetooth Tech

Food Must Haves for Post-Surgical Recovery

REBBL non-dairy Protein Shake
Koia Chocolate Protein Shake
Electrolyte Drink Packets
Instant Organic Oats
Gatorade G Fit (low in sugar)

Cold and Flu Must Haves

Read more about the benefits of Arnica: CLICK HERE

sooths inflammation removes bruises

Bye, Bye Bruises!! I love this product! I bruise easily and heal slowly on my fair skin tone but when I had dental surgery that left an unexpected large, dark bruise on my jawline despite frequent icing of the area, so I had to find something quick. I started rubbing this on the area the morning it showed up and the bruise was completely gone in 5 days! I couldn’t believe it. When the bruise appeared, I immediately researched how to heal bruising and discovered the benefits of arnica. When I looked for arnica on Amazon I came across this cream. It just so happens I had this exact cream in my cabinet. My Physical Therapist husband had given it to me for my frequently sore neck and trapezoid muscles. I have also rubbed it on my hands when I get an arthritis flair up. This is truly a wonder cream that I can’t live without!

Read why I love being Bulletproof! CLICK HERE

Save 15% by using my special code: KIMBER

Wonder Woman Wound Healing Green Shake must haves!

Click here for the recipe and learn how this delicious shake is the best for improving wound healing and see above for my discount code to receive %15 off your Bulletproof order!

Collagen Powder
Get you Greens!
The Best Avocado Oil
L-Glutamine Powder
L-Arginine Powder